Have you ever noticed how some people attract wealth effortlessly while others struggle no matter what they do? The difference is in our vibrational frequency. Everything in the universe, including money, is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. To manifest wealth, you must align your vibration with the abundance frequency. Here, we will look at how to raise your vibration to that of wealth and how to start making these changes ASAP.
Understanding Vibration and Wealth Manifestation
What Is Vibration?
Vibration is the energetic frequency we emit through our thoughts, feelings, and actions. When you think of wealth, what feelings come up? Is it excitement and gratitude, or is it fear and lack? Your emotions and thoughts create vibrational frequency, attracting similar energies into your life.
Why Does Vibration Matter in Wealth Manifestation?
The law of attraction, or LOA, states that like attracts like. You’ll attract the same if you’re constantly vibrating at a low frequency filled with fear, doubt, or scarcity. On the other hand, when you raise your vibration to match wealth and abundance, you become a magnet for money and opportunities.
When I first learned about this concept, I realized I had been focusing on lack and fear of not having enough. I compared myself to peers my age, and in my eyes, everyone had more than me. My vibration was very low, and guess what? I was stuck in a cycle of financial struggle. I would try all sorts of things to increase my income, from low-paying waitressing jobs to online projects, but nothing ever worked out. It wasn’t until I started working on raising my vibration that things began to change. I stopped looking at the how and concentrated on my feelings. Then, quite soon, better opportunities arose, and more money came in with less effort.
How to Raise Your Vibration to Manifest Wealth
Now that you understand the importance of vibration in manifesting wealth, let’s look at some ways how we can raise our vibration.
Shift Your Mindset Around Money
The first step to raising your vibration is to change your mindset from lack to abundance. Start paying attention to your thoughts about money. Are they mostly negative or positive? If you think things like “I can’t afford that” or “I’ll never have enough money,” it’s time to make a change.
Practice Gratitude
One of the fastest ways to raise your abundance vibration is by practising gratitude. I know you have probably heard this hundreds of times. The standard advice is to take a moment to write down or think about things you’re grateful for every day, especially regarding money. I have always struggled with this and find it a chore, although I am grateful for many things. However, I found a different way to feel grateful that works better for me. I find it easier to put a bill in my pocket, $50 or in my case 50€, seems about the right amount. But if that isn’t possible, use a smaller bank note. As you go about your day, touch it frequently. I silently thank the Creator/Divine/God/Universe (use whatever word you feel most comfortable with) that I have this money, and I get into the feeling of “knowing” more is coming my way, even if I don’t know how. That’s up to the Universe.
The act of touching the money helped me genuinely feel grateful that I had it in my pocket.
Some people like to use positive affirmations to rewire their mindsets. Repeating phrases like “I am worthy of wealth” or “Money flows to me easily and effortlessly” every time a feeling of lack begins to intrude can help raise your vibration.
Surround Yourself with High-Vibrational Energy
Your immediate environment plays a significant role in your vibration. Maintaining a high frequency is hard if you’re surrounded by negativity.
Seek Abundant Vibes
Try to surround yourself with positivity and go to places with an abundant vibe. You don’t need a lot of money to do this. Most towns and cities have wealthy and poor areas. Where possible, stick to those with a wealthy feel as much as possible. Don’t just walk past shops selling expensive items, even if you can’t afford them. Window shop, and pretend you are browsing to buy yourself a gift. This can be a huge vibration boost.
Positive Influences
Spend time with people who have a positive outlook on life and wealth. Their high vibration will naturally raise yours.
Declutter Your Space
A cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind. Decluttering your home or workspace can help you feel more organized and raise your vibration.
Consume Positive Content
Listen to uplifting music, podcasts, and audiobooks about abundance and wealth. Watch motivational videos or read success stories to boost your vibration. Avoid negative videos and new articles like the plague.
Take Inspired Action
Manifestation isn’t just about thinking positively and raising your vibration; it’s also about taking inspired action. When you’re vibrating at a higher frequency, you’ll start to receive intuitive nudges or ideas. Acting on these inspirations is vital to manifesting wealth.
Listen to Your Intuition
Pay attention to gut feelings or sudden ideas that seem to come out of nowhere. These are often signs pointing you towards actions bringing you closer to wealth.
Act Quickly
When you get an inspired idea, act as soon as possible. The Universe rewards speed and decisiveness.
In 2017, I came across a blog post about passive income. One site seemed completely unrelated to my skill set. However, they were paying commissions for small business templates. Something told me to go for it, and although I knew nothing about designing templates, I did know a fair bit about small businesses, as I had worked in many. That side hustle became a significant income stream for five years until competition got too fierce. After making a passive monthly income for years, I sold my account for $20K.
Raise Your Physical Vibration
Your physical body plays a role in your overall vibration. Taking care of your physical health can help raise your vibrational frequency and attract wealth.
Healthy Eating
Eat high-vibrational foods like fruits, vegetables, and seeds to increase your energy levels.
Regular physical activity boosts endorphins and raises your overall vibration.
Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and energy flowing.
I saw a big shift in my energy levels when I started eating healthier and exercising more. I struggled to find time at first, but even a 20-minute walk will lift your spirits. Exercise and drinking plenty of water will make you feel more vibrant and clear your mind. This will help align you with your financial goals.
Manifesting wealth by raising your vibration is about matching your energy with the frequency of abundance. You can start attracting the wealth you desire by shifting your mindset, surrounding yourself with positivity, taking inspired action, and raising your physical vibration.
It’s not an overnight process, but with consistent effort and belief in it, you’ll start seeing changes. Remember, the Universe is energy and responds to the energy you put out. Raising your vibration tells the universe that you’re ready to receive wealth and abundance.
So, start raising your vibration today and watch the money start to flow into your life!